Corporate Training


홈으로화살표 Training 화살표 조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

Meeting Culture 이미지
Meeting Culture

To get a sense of an organization’s culture, you only need to observe how its meetings are held. Meeting culture is as a microcosm of organizational culture: the values of the organization, behaviors of its leadership, ways of working, and typical decision-making processes are all on display during a meeting. If the organization’s culture is vertical, aspects of this vertical culture will leak into the meeting culture, which will result in fewer good ideas being produced. It may seem that vertical culture results in no conflicts, but this is because there is no real discussion or decision-making happening. The author of Organizations without Meetings and one of the leading experts in meeting culture in Korea will begin the training by diagnosing the actual meeting culture within the specific client organization and giving concrete action steps on how to improve it.

Meeting Culture
Modules Topics Time
Mo.1 Understanding the basics of meeting 3-8H
(English lecture is available)
Mo.2 Planning meeting s
Mo.3 Conducting meetings and facilitating
Mo.4 Following up and evaluating of meetings
Mo.5 Role play practice and feedback
빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

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